Terms and Conditions for Classes, Coaching and Seminars

1. Scope

1.1 The following general terms and conditions apply to all legal transactions of the coaching/seminar organizer under this contract with its contractual partner, hereinafter referred to as “participant”.

1.2 Changes to these terms and conditions will be communicated to the participant in writing. They are deemed to be approved if the participant does not object in writing. The participant must send the objection to the organizer within 4 weeks of the announcement of the changes.

2. Subject matter of the contract

2.1 The organizer offers coaching events and seminars. A precise description and list of the services offered will be announced by the organizer in its business premises, on its website and in other media used by it.
2.2 Basic subject matter of the contract/job description: The organizer offers coaching and seminars in an energetic and spiritual sense.

3. Conclusion of the contract

3.1 A contract with the organizer is concluded by sending a declaration of participation by post, fax, email, SMS or by verbal agreement.
3.2 Each participant will receive a confirmation letter by email after receipt of their declaration of participation, usually by post approximately 4 weeks before the event date.
3.3 The declaration of participation is binding.
3.4 The organizer reserves the right to cancel or terminate the event up to 4 weeks before the start of the event after exhausting all options if this is unreasonable because the number of bookings for this event is so low that the costs incurred in relation to this event would mean exceeding the economic sacrifice limit.
3.5 The organizer only has the right to withdraw if he can explain the circumstances leading to the withdrawal and has made the participant a comparable alternative offer. Participation fees paid in advance will be refunded immediately or, at the participant's request, used for the alternative offer.

4. Contract duration and remuneration

4.1 The contract begins and ends at the specifically and individually agreed time.
4.2 Terms of payment: The participation fee for the respective event is based on the organizer's current price list at the time the contract is concluded. The participant can pay in cash, via PayPal or, if indicated accordingly in the registration confirmation, by bank transfer.
4.3 All payments are due without deductions upon invoicing. 30 days after the due date has been exceeded, the organizer is entitled to claim default interest of 2% - above the reference interest rate of the European Central Bank in accordance with the Discount Rate Transfer Act - without further reminder. The right to claim additional late payment costs remains unaffected.
4.4 Cash expenses and special costs incurred by the organizer at the express request of the participant will be charged at cost price.
4.5 All services provided by the organizer include the statutory value added tax of 19% in Germany and 20% for events in Austria.

5. Scope of services and unused services

5.1 The scope of services depends on the respective contract between the organizer and the participant.
5.2 If a participant does not use individual services, the organizer reserves the right to invoice the entire participation fee. This does not apply if the participant can provide evidence that no or only minor damage has occurred. In the event of illness or force majeure, the organizer will not invoice the agreed service.
If you cancel 4 weeks or less before the start of the seminar without a valid reason, a compensation payment of 200 euros will be charged.
From 2 weeks before the seminar fee, this is 50% for seminars whose basic price exceeds 400 euros.
For seminar blocks that are booked as a whole (energy of language, body-oriented energy work, training to become an earth healer), the cancellation fee is 100% of the seminar fee.
5.3 For the Aura Basic Training and the Aura Master Course I, repeater rates are granted provided the course is not fully booked.

6. General Conditions of Participation

6.1 The participant is in breach of contract if, despite a warning, he or she persistently disrupts the event or if he or she behaves in a way that is significantly contrary to good morals, so that the smooth running of the event can be ensured. In this case, the organizer reserves the right to exclude the participant from the event. The organizer reserves the right to invoice the participation fee. The participant is free to provide evidence that the effort was less.
6.2 The seminar leader is authorized to give instructions to the participants for the duration and within the framework of the event.

7. Special Conditions of Participation

7.1 Participation in the organizer's seminars serves the participant's own training. Therefore, participation does not entitle the participant to pass on the taught and conveyed content in their own seminars. This includes in particular the seminars "Empower Thyself: Initiation", "Sacred Geometry 1", "Astral Travel", "Awaken Thyself", "Spiritual Intuition", "The 7 Mystery Schools of the Earth", "Stress Reduction" and "Sanctuary Meditation" as well as all subsequent courses resulting from them.
7.2 The organizer's seminars are based on training the participants on the event dates themselves. Therefore, participants are not permitted to make audio or video recordings of the events without the organizer's written permission. The organizer's copyright must be respected.

8. Duty of confidentiality

The organizer undertakes to maintain confidentiality regarding all trade and business secrets of the participant/client during the duration of an event and also after its completion.

9. Liability

9.1 The organizer is liable in cases of intent or gross negligence in accordance with the statutory provisions. Liability for guarantees is independent of fault. For minor negligence, the organizer is liable exclusively in accordance with the provisions of the Product Liability Act, for injury to life, body or health or for violation of essential contractual obligations. The claim for damages for the slightly negligent violation of essential contractual obligations is, however, limited to the foreseeable damage typical of the contract, unless liability is incurred for injury to life, body or health. The organizer is liable to the same extent for the negligence of vicarious agents and representatives.
9.2 The provisions of the preceding paragraph (9.1) extend to compensation for damages in addition to performance, compensation for damages instead of performance and claims for compensation for wasted expenditure, regardless of the legal basis, including liability for defects, delay or impossibility.
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