The 7 Mystery Schools

The 7 Mystery Schools

The time of secrets is over

In this informative evening course you will learn about the 7 Mystery Schools of the planet. For thousands of years these schools have remained hidden and have often become part of legends and stories throughout history. Because they are often associated with the occult, there has always been much mystery surrounding these schools and their practices. Yet most of these ancient stories claim that the people who studied at or were associated with these schools were extraordinary people who possessed a variety of different talents. We have read about many of them in our history books and they have left their mark on the earth. For years these schools were closed to the public. The teachings were only offered to royalty and the particularly gifted, but the consciousness of humanity has risen to new heights and now all are ready to receive this information and teachings.

You'll discover things like: where they are located, the purpose of each one, how they come together for a greater goal, their relationship to the body, and much more.

The Modern Mystery School is one of them. The information and teachings of this lineage have been considered extremely sacred and protected for this moment. All are now ready to receive and put into practice these teachings and this way of life to create the new world or Shamballa, a time of true peace and understanding.

This course offers a deeper insight into these teachings and the information and secrets they contain.

Recommended preparations: LIFE ACTIVATION (individual session)


Registrations are accepted on a first come, first served basis.

Booking order:

The first 5 = 55 €

6 - 10 = 65 €

10 = 75 €


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